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NAPA 401(k) Rollover Specialist ((k)RS™) - Package

NAPA 401(k) Rollover Specialist ((k)RS™) - Package

The Department of Labor made changes to the rules for handling rollovers from plans to individual retirement accounts (IRAs). These new rules, which became effective in 2022, apply to other transactions such as plan-to-plan, IRA-to-IRA, and commission-based to fee-based accounts.

To help wealth management and retirement plan advisors get up-to-speed on when the rule applies and how to comply, NAPA created the (k)RS™ Credential.

This education course is the premier study tool for gaining the knowledge you need to pass the (k)RS™ designation exam.

Included in your purchase is:
1. The 5-module (k)RS™ interactive education course
You will learn:
 - An understanding of ERISA fiduciary responsibility and how it applies to rollovers.
- How to win new business despite the extra compliance requirements of the new rules.

2. Access to downloadable study guides and advisor tools
3. The (k)RS™ Practice Exam

Learn more about the program on the 401(k) Rollover Specialist ((k)RS™ Website.

- 6 NTSA
- 6 NAPA Relevant
- 2.5 CFP®
- Pending AIF®

Item Details: This education course and practice exam will be accessible for 180 days following purchase date.

  • List Price: $525.00
Item Details:
NAPA 401(k) Rollover Specialist ((k)RS™) - Package
Back to NAPA 401(k) Rollover Specialist ((k)RS™) - Package

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