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NAPA Nonqualified Plan Consultant (NQPC™) - Package

NAPA Nonqualified Plan Consultant (NQPC™) - Package

The NQPC™ online prep course is the premier study tool for candidates seeking to earn the Nonqualified Plan Consultant (NQPC™) designation.

By purchasing the NQPC™ Education Course Bundle you will receive access to:
- The NQPC-1: Plan Fundamentals and NQPC-2: Advanced Plan Designs educational courses
- Downloadable study guides
- Interactive case studies
- Practice assessments based on real-life situations
- NQPC™ Practice Exam

The content in this bundle will adequately prepare you for the designation exam.

Note: Completing this educational course bundle does not earn you the designation. To earn the NQPC™ you must purchase and pass the NQPC™ designation exam.

Enrollment Notice: Please note that you will be given 365 days from the time of purchase to engage and access this online education bundle.

NQPC-1: Plan Fundamentals
- 7.5 ASPPA
- 7.5 NAPA Relevant
- 7.5 NTSA
- 4 CFP®

NQPC-2: Advanced Plan Designs
- 8.5 ASPPA
- 8.5 NAPA Relevant
- 8.5 NTSA
- 5 CFP®

Practice Exam
- No credits provided

  • List Price: $835.00
Item Details:
NAPA Nonqualified Plan Consultant (NQPC™) - Package
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