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ASPPA Certified Pension Consultant (CPC) - Package

ASPPA Certified Pension Consultant (CPC) - Package

This purchase includes:
          CPC Core Modules (4)
          CPC Elective Modules (4)
          CPC Study Guide (PDF)
          CPC Practice Exam

Candidates must pass all four Core Modules:
          Fiduciary Topics
          Distributions and Loans
          Related Groups & Business Transactions

Candidates must pass any two of the four Elective Modules:
          Governmental & Tax-Exempt Plans
          Nonqualified Plans
          Cash Balance

The PDF Study Guide and Practice Exam are intended to help candidates prepare for the CPC Proctored Examination. This examination is offered once in the Spring and once in the Fall of each year. Each completed CPC Module awards 3.0 ASPPA CE.

Candidates should register separately for the CPC Proctored Exam; click here for more information.

The CPC Study Materials contained within this purchase are available online for 365 days from date of purchase.

  • List Price: $1,075.00
Item Details:
ASPPA Certified Pension Consultant (CPC) - Package
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