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NAPA 401(k) Practice Builder - Course 3.00 ASPPA

NAPA 401(k) Practice Builder - Course

The NAPA 401(k) Practice Builder is a fully interactive online course made up of five modules that take no more than thirty minutes each to complete. Designed to prepare advisors for sales conversations, the Practice Builder introduces the basic concepts you need and walks you through the steps of the sales process with engaging interactions and checks on learning along the way. Each module offers a brief assessment to help you gauge your level of learning.

Access to the course is provided through your "My Learning Activities" account for 180 days after you enroll. After 180 days, you will no longer be able to access the content.

Progress is automatically tracked and retained so you can pause the course, return, and pick up where you left off.

3.00 ASPPA Credit
3.00 CFP
3.00 NAPA Relevant Topic
3.00 NTSA
  • List Price: $435.00
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NAPA 401(k) Practice Builder - Course
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